Brunch! Super Simple!
So for my first meal of the day, which happened to be closer to 1 pm CST than at breakfast time. It’s Brunch! I have been trying super hard to keep it simple. I notice when I keep it simple I can keep it going longer. I do have my struggles as I’m only human and sometimes the struggle is so REAL! I want health though! So I can never give up! Even if I fall off, I get back on and ride some more! Ya Baby! That’s how I roll, these days! No pun intended LOL
So I had 4 ounces of Beef I seasoned well, 2 slices of bacon I cut up and cooked, then fried an egg in it all. Deliciousness and simplicity is what I like! 🙂
You should try it sometime, you may just love it! Going #ZC isn’t as hard as some would think! I don’t stick to that crap about meat and water, that’s someone else’s choice. There are plenty of foods that are zero carb that aren’t meat and still come from animal kingdom, like mayo, cheese, etc…. My Food List is here!
Take your time, ease into or jump into and just Do IT!